Booking changes,approve,reschedule, cancel

How can I cancel a single service?

Log in to your UrbanCare account (, click Booking History, then click on the cancel button. If you wish to cancel because you were unhappy with the service provided, please let us know and we will do everything we can to resolve your issue, including finding a new professional. Please note: If you cancel a booking less than 24 hours in advance of the booked service, a cancellation fee of $25 of the service may be applicable. If you cancel before this, there...

How can I add other address to my UrbanCare account?

Once you login to your customer account ( the top right as highlighted below.

who can read customer account notes?

You find the message function in your customer account ( Once you're in, please click on special instructions. UrbanCare professionals can view the comments on a request for quality assurance.

How can I alter the time or date of my one-off booking?

You can request a change to the date or time of a one-off booking by logging into your UrbanCare account, clicking Booking History, then click Reschedule to the service you would like to change, and then click on the Choose the service and you can change the date and time. A notification of the change requested will be sent to the professionals, and you will receive a text and email confirming the change.

Will I be charged a cancellation fee if I cancel a booking?

You can cancel free of charge up to 24 hours prior to your booking service. After that, you will be charged a cancellation fee of $25 If you would like to cancel your entire order and not just a single booking, you may be charged a termination fee( equivalent to a one-off service charge) if you have not yet had 2 appointments.

How to I contact my professional?

Certainly, you can contact your professionals through UrbanCare App.

My Professional did not show up?

In the unfortunate event that a professional does not show up, please contact the pro through the app. If you are still not able to get hold of the professionals then please contact UrbanCare. You will not be charged in such a case. If you require further support please feel free to Contact Us - Urban Care (