
How much does a service cost via UrbanCare?

Our prices are transparent and fixed which means no hidden charges. Recurring service will cost $32 plus GST and one-off will be $40 plus GST an hour for Domestic clean, Caregiver & Babysitter. The payment will be held 24 hours prior to the booking. The system will deduct the payment automatically after service completion.

What payment gateway do UrbanCare used?

To offer you payment methods, to ensure the highest standards of security and stability, we chose to partner with Stripe. Stripe is a third-party secure-payment provider. Stripe holds all customer card details and facilitates payment processes for UrbanCare. You can read more about Adyen at

I've received a failed payment email - what happens next?

When we are unable to make a payment, we will send you an email informing you of the failed attempt. To update your payment details, log in to your UrbanCare account and click 'My Payments' and then 'Update Card Details'. When the payment details are updated we will automatically retry the payment.

Can I pay cash?

Payment will be made via the payment method you have chosen in the booking process after the service. You can pay by credit card. Unfortunately, paying by invoice or cash is not possible.

Which payment methods does UrbanCare offer?

You can easily pay by credit card. Unfortunately, paying by invoice or cash is not possible.

I was charged an incorrect amount, what do I do?

Please Contact Us - Urban Care ( if you have any questions regarding your receipt. Alternative, you can chat with us as well. Thank you!

The Service has taken place but my card has not been charged - how can I pay?

We only take payment once your professionals have completed the job and we can track from them that they have completed the scheduled service - but can sometimes take longer depending on the service partner.

Can I pay for my service in cash or cheque?

No - all professionals on UrbanCare are paid through the platform and are instructed not to accept cash/cheque.

Where do I find my receipt?

The system will issue automatically the GST receipt and will be sent on your email. If you still need a receipt, please Contact Us - Urban Care (

Is there a fee to use UrbanCare?

No, there is no fee. You can find our price list on our ( There is a 2 appointment minimum for recurring orders. Cancelling a recurring order before 2 appointments have taken place may result in charging the price equivalent to one-off service to our website accordance with our website T&Cs -

Does the invoice show the Goods & Services Tax?

Yes GST will be included in your receipt.

Do you charge for any travel expenses?

There is no charge for travel expenses. Pro choose which regions or suburbs they want to work.